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- Revelation 14:6
- From Prophet to Prisoner - Daniel 1
- Revelation's Impending Conflict - Daniel 2
- Daniel Chapter 3-Tried in the Fire!
- Daniel Chapter 4-The Testimony of a King
- Daniel Chapter 5 - Handwriting on the Wall
- Daniel Chapter 6 - A Night With the Lions Part 1
- Daniel Chapter 6 - A Night with the Lion's-part 2
- Daniel Chapter 7 - The Rise of the Anti-Christ
- Daniel Chapter 8-The Most Amazing Bible Prophecy-part 1
- Daniel Chapter 9 - The Most Amazing Bible Prophecy - Part 2
- Daniel Chapters 10-11-Daniel's Final Climax
- Daniel Chapter 12 & Revelation Chapter 10-Revelation's Rise of the Remnant
- Revelation Chapter 11 - Revelation's Two Witnesses
- Revelation Chapter 12 - Revelation's Church in the Wilderness
- Revelation Chapter 13 - The Mark of the Beast Part 1
- Revelation Chapter 13 - The Mark of the Beast Part 2
- Revelation Chapter 14 - Revelation's Final Message!
- Revelation Chapters 15 & 16 - Revelation's Seven Last Plagues
- Revelation Chapters 17 & 18 - Revelation's End Time Babylon
- Revelation Chapter 19 - Revelation's Triumphant End!
- Revelation Chapter 20 - Revelation's 1,000 Years of Peace
- Revelation Chapters 21 & 22 - Revelation's Heavenly City
- Revelation's Keys to Death
- Revelation's Truth about Hell
- In God We Trust
- Revelation's Gift of Prophecy
- God's Free Health Plan
- Revelation's Saints - A Peculiar People Part 1
- Revelation's Saints ~ A Peculiar People Part 2
- Revelation's Last Appeal
- Steps to Christ Bible Study Lesson 1
- Steps to Christ Bible Study Lesson 2
- Steps to Christ Bible Study Lesson 3
- Steps to Christ Bible Study Lesson 4
- Steps to Christ Bible Study Lesson 5
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- Faith unto Righteousness
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- Whatsoever things are pure
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- Best Friends Forever
- Triumph over Disease
- The Dominating Powers Part 2
- Preparation for the Latter Rain
- Calming the Storm
- It is worth it
- Who do you think you are?
- God's Providence
- Blessed Assurance Part 3
- Unending Love
- What are you thinking?
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- Christ Mas'
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- Unshakeable Confidence
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- Pathfinder Re-Dedication
- Prepare to Meet thy GOD
- Fear Not!
- Perfect Peace
- A Special Meal
- The Greatest Commandment
- Contemplating Faith
- The Most Neglected Gift
- Hebrews, or Jesus! is better
- Desert Experience
- Resurrection Morning
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- A Mother's Influence
- Woe is Me
- Walking in the Light
- The Second Coming
- Why did you come to church today?
- Faith and Service
- Why you should come to church every Sabbath
- The Wedding
- Jesus Christ is LORD
- Ambassador for Christ
- Inside Out, When God puts His beauty on us
- Stay Focused
- In Spirit and in Truth
- That they would remember
- One Direction
- Our Sacrifice
- A woman's contribution to church
- Trouble's a -comin
- What is your life?
- The End Time Remnant
- The Name of Jesus
- Liberty
- The Wise still seek Him
- Resolutions for the New Year
- The Power of One
- Give Up? Endure?
- Acceptable Worship
- Time to stop paying tax
- Would we have believed them?
- Faithful until the End
- The Unspeakable Gift
- Because He Lives
- Knowing
- A Deal is a Deal
- Are you on the right way?
- Avoiding Leprosy
- Laboring for the Master
- Do you want God to finish His work?
- Pastoral Installation of Elder Jim Nephew/ Do You Know Jesus?
- Cleanse from Sin Part 2
- What do the scriptures say?
- Cleanse from Sin Part 1
- Unintended Consequences
- How to be Perfect
- Living Faith Part 1
- Guided by God
- Living Faith Part 2
- Solomon's Wisdom
- The Holy Spirit, The cure for compromise Part 1
- Listening to God
- Not by might nor by power Part 1
- Perfection made easy
- Unteachable or Genius?
- Naaman's Anger
- Not by Might nor by Power Part II
- Along the Way
- The Sword of the Spirit Part 1
- Speak the Word
- Me- Like a Child?
- Dead or Alive?
- Faith, Hope, and Charity
- The Sword of the Spirit Part 2
- Along the way
- Do I need a washing?
- When God says to wait
- The Thrill of Trusting God
- Communion-That your faith may not fail!
- Showers of Blessing Part 1
- Light amid Darkness
- Adventurer Induction and Blessing Ceremony
- God with Us
- Learn from this Parable
- Experiencing God's Character Part III
- Motives
- Experiencing God's Character Part II
- Showers of Blessing Part II
- Random or Intentional?
- Showers of Blessings Part 3
- The Secret Weapon You Didn't Know You Had
- Introductions
- Praying for a Storm
- Growing in Knowing
- Parables
- Resurrection Day- The Empty Tomb
- The Coming of the Comforter Part 1
- Future Glory
- Faith and Self!!! Defense
- The Spirit of Truth Part II
- Sabbath
- The Spirit of Truth Part 1
- A Gift to all humanity
- The Coming of the Comforter Part Two
- Heart of Worship
- By this all will know you are my disciples
- You are not Alone, God is with you, Part 1
- God is in the junk business
- VBS Program, GROW
- You are not Alone, God is with You Part II
- Examine Yourself
- Co-operating with God
- Love? Is it Real?
- Excuses
- Spiritual Candy
- The Good News of Faith
- Last Day People
- You are Saved and Kept
- Rejoice Always!
- Christian Life
- The other Lost Son
- Do you have True Faith?
- Parallels and Prophecies
- The Creative Word
- They shall bear Fruit in Old Age
- Strength in Weakness
- Attitude of Gratitude
- Communing In Love
- LET= God's Will
- Overcoming in Christ
- The Indwelling Word
- Intercessory Prayer
- Present Salvation
- When Fighting a Giant, Look Up
- The Christian Life
- Distractions
- "Hear and Live"
- What does the Lord require of thee?
- The Power of Forgiveness
- Variety, the spice of life
- Communion in the Word
- Faith
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